We appreciate you taking the time to read LabBuzz. This is a CSMLS venture to provide relevant medical laboratory news and research to members. The articles have been condensed to provide an introduction on the topics. Please refer to the original article for the complete text.
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Why data literacy is essential for laboratory professionals
In laboratory medicine, the strategic use of data can transform everything from operational efficiency to groundbreaking research discoveries. It can lead to insights in everything from identifying how to deploy phlebotomists more efficiently across a healthcare system to using statistics to identify patterns that lead to breakthroughs for better patient care.
Robotic Automation, AI Will Speed Up Scientific Progress in Laboratories
Robotic systems can perform experiments continuously without human fatigue, significantly speeding up research
AI system BELA revolutionizes assessment of IVF embryos
A new artificial intelligence-based system can accurately assess the chromosomal status of in vitro-fertilized (IVF) embryos using only time-lapse video images of the embryos and maternal age.
Skin Patch Uses Electric Currents to Combat Bacteria
A breakthrough skin patch uses electricity to inhibit bacteria, paving the way for drug-free treatments of infections
Seventy-five years beside the microscope
This is the story of my life as a lab tech, from a boy leaving the farm, to working in a clinical laboratory. I was born in 1933, so I am now 91 years old. I still remember going down the path to the barn that my father built to help milk and take care of the cows and feed the calves, wanting to work instead in a lab.
Gut Bacteria Transfer Genes to Disable Weapons of Their Competitors
New research shows how common gut bacteria tame their antagonistic neighbors by transferring genes that change their weapon systems
Study identifies six cancer susceptibility genes
Scientists identify six genes linked to cancer risk, revealing insights into cancer predisposition that may enhance screening and treatment.
Unraveling Cancer Mysteries: Insights from 292 Species
New research explores cancer resistance in 292 vertebrate species, uncovering insights into why some animals evade tumors
Experts Develop Laboratory Toolkit for Patients with Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers, Marburg Virus Disease
New resource provides guidance for healthcare facilities to perform basic laboratory testing in a safe and effective manner for patients at risk for viral hemorrhagic fevers
New imaging technique revolutionizes microplastics detection in biological samples
Microplastics, pervasive in both terrestrial and aquatic environments, have been found in diverse organisms, from fish and plants to humans. Traditional imaging techniques, such as fluorescence and electron microscopy, struggle to specifically identify microplastics without extensive sample preparation or artificial labeling, which can introduce errors. These limitations highlight the urgent need for advanced detection methods that can analyze microplastics in their natural state within biological tissues.
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