We appreciate you taking the time to read LabBuzz. This is a CSMLS venture to provide relevant medical laboratory news and research to members. The articles have been condensed to provide an introduction on the topics. Please refer to the original article for the complete text.
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Giving time back to lab technicians
How lab teams can find more time on the bench and less in the storeroom.
Kidney transplantation between donors and recipients with HIV is safe
Kidney transplantation from deceased donors with HIV (HIV D+) to recipients with HIV (HIV R+) was safe and comparable to kidney transplantation from donors without HIV (HIV D-) in a multicenter observational study in the United States.
Older adults distrust AI for health information
While the vast majority of people over 50 look for health information on the internet, a new poll shows 74% would have very little or no trust in such information if it were generated by artificial intelligence.
Meanwhile, 20% of older adults have little or no confidence that they could spot misinformation about a health topic if they came across it.
Helping Children Become Better Fact-Checkers
"We need to give children experience flexing these skepticism muscles and using these critical thinking skills within this online context in order to set them up for their future"
First wave of COVID-19 increased risk of heart attack, stroke up to three years later
Infection from COVID-19 appeared to significantly increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, and death for up to three years among unvaccinated people early in the pandemic when the original SARS-CoV-2 virus strain emerged, according to a National Institutes of Health (NIH)-supported study.
2024 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Awarded to Discoverers of MicroRNA
This year’s Nobel Prize honors two scientists for their discovery of a fundamental principle governing how gene activity is regulated.
UHN study validates new tool to predict risk of lung cancer spread to the brain
In a study published today in Nature Medicine, University Health Network (UHN) researchers have identified specific DNA changes that can predict a patient's risk of cancer spreading to the brain, offering new approaches to managing patients and improving health outcomes.
Government of Canada renews historic funding for Indigenous health research from coast to coast to coast
The Network Environments for Indigenous Health Research (NEIHRs) bring together researchers, Indigenous leaders and community members to support community-based and scientifically excellent health research grounded in Indigenous ways of knowing. These networks work to address significant health disparities and train and mentor the next generation of First Nations, Inuit and Métis health researchers. Simply put, this investment is supporting health researchers who are studying ways of improving Indigenous health.
Defective Sperm Doubles the Risk of Preeclampsia, Study Finds
For the first time, researchers have linked specific frequent defects in sperm to risk of pregnancy complications and negative impacts on the health of the baby
Understanding how men and women process pain differently
In a new study evaluating meditation for chronic lower back pain, researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine have discovered that men and women utilize different biological systems to relieve pain.
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