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Researchers discover common origin behind major childhood allergies
“Hundreds of millions of children worldwide suffer from allergies, including one in three children in Canada, and it’s important to understand why this is happening and how it can be prevented.”
Meet the innovators creating affordable tech for low-resource communities
Frugal Biomedical Innovations grants support research that saves, transforms lives worldwide
NHS Trial Analysis Finds That Grail’s Galleri Clinical Laboratory Blood Test Can Detect 50 Cancers and Identify the Location of the Cancer
Though a ‘work in progress,’ the Oxford researchers who conducted the trail believe the MCED blood test could help doctors give better cancer assessments
Working too hard? New SFU research highlights importance of taking breaks
Work breaks should be seen as recovery opportunities that foster employee well-being and do not detract from performance,
Space travel depletes red blood cells and bone, but bone marrow fat may come to the rescue
A study of 14 astronauts suggests that while space travel depletes red blood cells and bone, the body can eventually replenish them back on Earth with the help of fat stored in the bone marrow.
A Promising Non-Invasive Therapy to Promote Repair and Remyelination in Multiple Sclerosis
Researchers find that a non-drug based treatment approach called acute intermittent hypoxia (AIH), which consists of short periods of reduced oxygen, reduces inflammation, protects nerve fibres, and promotes repair in mice with multiple sclerosis-like disease
Scientists discover new microglial population important for memory and learning
Following more than seven years of research, researchers at the University of Seville-IBiS (Institute of Biomedicine of Seville) have identified a new key cell type with a critical role in the developmental processes of memory and learning.
Global genomic collaboration provides diagnoses and informs care for infants with epilepsy
A technique known as rapid genome sequencing has provided a diagnosis for 43 per cent of infants with unexplained epilepsy and informed their care in an international partnership.
Tracking Friedreich’s ataxia
People with this rare condition can help accelerate research by contributing to the detection of clear indicators of disease progression
Shape-shifting ball uses haptic feedback to help people manage mental health
A soft ball that 'personifies' breath, expanding and contracting in synchronicity with a person's inhalations and exhalations, has been invented by a PhD student at the University of Bath in the UK. The ball is designed to support mental health, giving users a tangible representation of their breath to keep them focused and to help them regulate their emotions.