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Researchers Use Ingestible Device to Non-Invasively Sample Human Gut Bacteria in a Development That Could Enable More Clinical Laboratory Testing of Microbiomes
Technology enables sampling of an individual’s microbiome over time to observe changes associated with different illnesses or different diets
AI-Driven Tool Reliably Diagnoses Blood Disorders
Trained on patient data, the open-source algorithm can aid hematological diagnoses and even genetic analyses.
New organic electrodes could revolutionize electrotherapy
Researchers at Lund University and Gothenburg University have successfully developed temporary, organic electrodes that can be seamlessly integrated into biological systems.
Non-invasive brain stimulation provides promise for treatment of depression, anxiety
Initial results are promising for a Brain Canada funded preliminary rTMS study at the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre
Supercomputers Unleash a New Era in Biophysics Discovery
The dynamic interplay where high-performance computing meets biophysical exploration
Music can trigger cells to release insulin within minutes
Diabetes is a condition in which the body produces too little or no insulin. Diabetics thus depend on an external supply of this hormone via injection or pump.
Can we improve antibiotics against superbugs?
Exploring New Strategies for Burkholderia cepacia Complex Infections.
Nanopore Tech May Control Contamination in Single-Molecule DNA Extraction
A PNA–DNA duplex helps differentiate contaminants from pure DNA molecules quickly, efficiently
Could Microplastics in Soil Introduce Drug-Resistant Bugs to the Food Supply?
The time has come to understand the impacts of microplastics in soil and agriculture
First-of-its-kind genetic-matching for precision organ transplantation
Researchers are developing a national epitope-matching protocol to reduce organ transplant complications.