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Click Chemistry Helps Create Sialidase-Based Anticancer Therapy
Study opens up new possibilities for how cutting-edge cancer immunotherapies might be built in future.
New protein-based nano-switches could lead to faster, more accurate diagnostic tests
QUT researchers have developed a new approach for designing molecular ON-OFF switches based on proteins which can be used in a multitude of biotechnological, biomedical and bioengineering applications
Researchers develop ink that enables 3D printing of beating heart tissues
Over the last decade, advances in 3D printing have unlocked new possibilities for bioengineers to build heart tissues and structures. Their goals include creating better in vitro platforms for discovering new therapeutics for heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States, responsible for about one in every five deaths nationally.
Cyber-security demands growing, especially within medical sector
'We look after all of what we call ‘digital health.' It’s not a small operation,' says regional chief information officer at RVH in Barrie
Diabetes study finds a wealth of information at your fingertips
In this study, researchers developed a method using images from the finger’s nail fold.
Nanopore Tech May Control Contamination in Single-Molecule DNA Extraction
Single-molecule DNA extraction using nanopore technology offers real-time DNA and RNA analysis. It is a low-cost technique that can be used in clinical and research settings when samples need to be analyzed quickly and efficiently.
Funding from the federal government to help Indigenous mental health workers
An organization that supports Indigenous mental health workers across Canada has received $1.5 million from the Public Health Agency of Canada to help the workers cope with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Researcher investigates link between aging and arrhythmias
Problems with the heart’s electrical system are serious. Arrhythmias, such as atrial fibrillation (AF), can lead to symptoms like heart palpitations, light-headedness, chest pain and shortness of breath, and are linked to strokes, sudden cardiac arrest and death.
Korean team claims to have created the first room-temperature, ambient-pressure superconductor
Scientists around the world have been trying for more than a century to find a type of material that would conduct electricity without resistance at ambient temperature and pressure.
Testing for inflammation
Upon completion of this article, the reader will be able to:
- Differentiate between the three different types of inflammation.
- Describe the immune process in which inflammation plays a role in.
- Discuss the chronic inflammatory process and its role in certain conditions.
- List and discuss the laboratory tests that are useful in detecting and monitoring inflammation in certain diagnoses.