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Researchers from Stanford University Develop First Synthetic Human Microbiome from Scratch
As scientists gain new insights into the human microbiome and how it influences our health, microbiology labs may gain new diagnostic biomarkers
University of Michigan researchers develop animal-free method to produce brain organoids
Researchers at University of Michigan developed a method to produce artificially grown miniature brains called "human brain organoids" that could greatly improve the way neurodegenerative conditions are studied and, eventually, treated.
A fast, effective way to detect cancer stem cells
McMaster researchers have uncovered a fast and effective way to detect cancer stem cells before the disease recurs in adults who previously underwent treatment.
Mick Bhatia, a professor in the department of Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences, led the new study, published in Cell Reports Medicine.
A solo swim across Lake Ontario: Making waves for Mental Health Awareness and Suicide Prevention
Jason Kloss, from Paris, Ontario, is planning to swim 51 kilometres solo across Lake Ontario on August 11-12, 2023.
Prof advances biomedical research with "IRONSperm"
Dr. Veronika Magdanz, an assistant professor in systems design engineering at the University of Waterloo, is researching the potential of sperm-templated soft magnetic microrobots to treat cancer, infertility and more.
Protein Patterns Found in Patients With Suspected Long COVID
Recently published in The Journal of Translational Medicine, a team at Lawson Health Research Institute has discovered unique patterns of blood plasma proteins in patients with long COVID that could reveal potential drug targets to improve patient outcomes.
Researchers find weaker immune response to viral infections in children with mitochondrial disorders
One of the first human studies on how mitochondrial function impacts immune cells to guide future treatments.
IMC calls on Canada's premiers to improve patient access to medicines
There are a number of other critical health-care priorities which would benefit from federal-provincial-territorial collaboration, such as the need to improve timely access to innovative medicines, including drugs for rare diseases.
Harmful gut bacteria feed on sugars in the intestinal lining
A new study by researchers at the University of British Columbia (UBC) and BC Children’s Hospital shows the sugar sialic acid, which makes up part of the protective intestinal mucus layer, fuels disease-causing bacteria in the gut.
Molecular Insights into New Treatments for Drug-Resistant TB
Research advances the search for new medications to treat antibiotic-resistant infections