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Will we still have antibiotics in 50 years? Global experts respond
McMaster biochemist Lori Burrows and six other global experts in microbiology and biochemistry answer the question of whether we are headed towards a future with no antimicrobial agents
Study Shows Forensic Evidence Can Survive Underwater for Weeks
“Evidence, such as weapons and victim’s bodies, are often found in aquatic environments including rivers and lakes. However, if items have been submerged in water for more than seven days then many forensic examiners believe that any valuable trace evidence will be gone and won’t seek it out.”
York U and Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care sign three-year commitment that underscores strengths in health research and medical education
At a time when our healthcare system still remains under great strain and we are facing a shortage of family and primary care physicians, interprofessional collaboration in healthcare is critical to boosting health outcomes, well-being and quality of life.
Studies confirm an overlooked risk for cardiovascular disease
“Bad” cholesterol isn’t the only culprit linked with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, according to a trio of recent University of Alberta studies showing that a different kind of cholesterol is also a strong risk factor for people worldwide.
AI Models Identify Biodiversity from Animal Sounds in Tropical Rain Forests
Reforested areas in the tropics are becoming increasingly important for the climate and biodiversity. How well biodiversity develops on such areas can be monitored very well with an automated analysis of animal sounds.
SFU’s ImageTech Lab gains new tech ally in advancing brain research
New technology acquired by SFU’s ImageTech Lab—a core facility based at Surrey Memorial Hospital—is promising to help advance brain research and improve our knowledge of brain disease and injury.
How virtual urgent care works – and where it fits in the future of emergency medicine
Ever since it was ushered into widespread use during the pandemic, virtual healthcare has become a much more common tool — including for virtual urgent care.
Researchers develop experimental vaccine to prevent spread of metastatic cancers to the lungs
Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed an experimental vaccine that could prevent the spread of metastatic cancers to the lungs. The key ingredients of the vaccine are nanoparticles -fashioned from bacterial viruses- that have been engineered to target a protein known to play a central role in cancer growth and spread.
Our Sense of Smell Changes the Colors We See
New study experimentally shows that unconscious "crossmodal" associations with our sense of smell can affect our perception of colors
Study shows how chronic sleep loss can damage the heart
Even a mild chronic sleep deficit may heighten the risk of developing heart disease later in life.