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New Study Reveals Insights into COVID-19’s Multi-Organ Injury and Pathways to Combat Cytokine Storms
Researchers at the Glomerular Disease Therapeutic Laboratory, led by Dr. Sumant Chugh, have made significant progress in understanding how COVID-19 causes severe multi-organ injury in some patients. Published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation Insight, their study uncovers pathways to reduce organ injury and inflammation associated with the virus.
AI Model Predicts Consequences of Gene Modifications
Researchers trained a computer model to understand the gene networks and how they go awry in disease conditions
Global Biolabs 2023 Report Shows Most Dangerous Pathogen Testing Laboratories across the Globe
Of 27 BSL-4 labs assessed, Global Biolabs ranked only seven as having ‘good’ biosafety management
CRISPR-Cas9-Based Tool May Help Slow Antimicrobial Resistance Spread
A new tool which could help reduce the spread of antimicrobial resistance is showing early promise, through exploiting a bacterial immune system as a gene editing tool.
Brain Processes Acute and Chronic Pain Differently: Early Studies
Study shows preliminary results that could lead to new pain treatments and help improve quality of life in individuals.
Can machine learning predict BMI in early childhood using data from the first 1000 days of life?
In a recent study published in the Scientific Reports Journal, researchers used a machine learning (ML)-based approach to predict adulthood obesity by assessing risk factors and tracking body mass index (BMI) values in the initial 1,000 days (between two and four years of age) of life.
Innovators Develop Multi-Analyte Pulse Oximeters That Accurately Read Oxygen Levels in People with Darker Skin Pigmentation
Scientists at multiple institutions are working to improve the basic pulse oximeter’s design by making it capable of measuring multiple biomarkers, as well as addressing long-standing inaccuracies in the device when used on people with darker skin pigmentation.
HIV Declines among Young People, New Infections Drop
Increased investments, innovation, and focus on equity are vitally needed to end the HIV epidemic
Is there an association being plant-based diets and mental health?
In a recent study published in PLOS ONE, researchers determined the relationship between plant-origin diet indices (PDIs) and mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression among Iranian adults.
Color-Changing Material Shows When Medications Get Too Warm
Researchers report a class of brilliantly colored microcrystals that become colorless over a wide range of temperatures