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Health Systems Recover From Pandemic Aftereffects
Number of countries with national supply chain system disruptions reduced from nearly half to about a quarter in just the last year
Snapshot Multispectral Imaging Using a Diffractive Optical Network
Resaerchers convert a monochrome image sensor into a snapshot multispectral imaging device
Light-activated solution kills infectious viruses and bacteria on contact
A University of Alberta engineering researcher has developed an antimicrobial solution that kills infectious pathogens on contact with face masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE).
Bee venom nanoparticles: Buzzworthy breakthrough in battling antibiotic-resistant bacteria
In a recent study published in Scientific Reports, researchers evaluated the antibacterial and cytotoxic effects of chitosan nanoparticles loaded with bee venom.
Ottawa resumes long-running battle over prescription drug prices
Industries affected by Ottawa’s long-delayed drug price reform are hoping the turmoil will end soon as a parliamentary committee continues its investigation this week into the chaos behind the scenes.
Is an increase in cortisol levels associated with impaired working-memory retrieval and recognition in students?
Researchers examined the memory scores and electroencephalogram profiles of students to understand exam-induced stress and anxiety among the student population.
$1.25 million for early childhood mental health care across Canada to improve outcomes for vulnerable children
Canadian Institutes of Health Research provides a necessary boost to promote mental health from a young age towards an initiative with foundational support from Kids Brain Health Network.
New York State Reported Record-High C. auris Cases in 2022
Surveillance and clinical cases are at an all-time high in NY and are a growing concern
Neuropathic pain study uncovers pathophysiological mechanism and promising therapeutic target
Neuropathic pain, an abnormal hypersensitivity to stimuli, is associated with impaired quality of life and is often poorly managed. Estimates suggest that 3 percent to 17 percent of adults suffer from neuropathic pain.