A Human Liver Was Treated in a Machine and Then Successfully Transplanted
"In this way, it was possible to transform the liver into a good human organ, even though it was originally not approved for transplantation due to its poor quality."
New, soft implantable probe can monitor fluctuations in brain chemicals
Imbalances in brain chemistry are at the heart of many neurologic diseases. These same brain chemicals also play roles in gut health. So, scientists invented "NeuroString", a soft implantable probe that can interface seamlessly with both brain and gut tissue.
Researchers Use Machine Learning to Identify Thousands of New Marine RNA Viruses in Study of Interest to Microbiologists and Clinical Laboratory Scientists
An international team of scientists has used genetic screening and machine learning techniques to identify more than 5,500 previously unknown species of marine RNA viruses and is proposing five new phyla (biological groups) of viruses. The latter would double the number of RNA virus phyla to 10, one of which may be a missing link in the early evolution of the microbes.
Engineers Boost Signals from Fluorescent Sensors
The researchers showed they could implant sensors as deep as 5.5 centimeters in tissue and still get a strong signal.
Study shows how stress has a major impact on the immune system's ability to fight infections
This fundamental discovery connecting the brain to the immune system provides a better understanding of how stress affects the body's response to a virus, and why some may be more susceptible to severe illness and worse outcomes.
Gratitude Expressions Improves Cardiovascular Responses to Stress
Giving and receiving praise in the workplace may be key to managing day-to-day stress and can enhance performance
Scientists Use Thousands of Genetic Markers to Develop Risk Scores for Six Common Diseases: Findings May Have Implications for Clinical Laboratories
The study demonstrates how precision medicine is advancing because of new insights from the use and interpretation of whole-genome sequencing
Study reveals underlying mechanisms that strengthen or create relational memories during sleep
Relational memory is the ability to remember arbitrary or indirect associations between objects, people or events, such as names with faces, where you left your car keys and whether you turned off the stove after cooking but before you left the house.
An Analysis of Excess Deaths during the COVID-19 Pandemic across Canada
An analysis of excess deaths in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic shows wide variation by province and underscores the need for better and consistent data for current and future health crisis management.
MGH scientists develop a data-driven simulation model to address the rampant opioid crisis
Researchers report that the model, known as SOURCE (Simulation of Opioid Use, Response, Consequences, and Effects), presents the most detailed model to date of the crisis by capturing how the interconnections between stages of prescription and illicit opioid use, from initiation and addiction treatment to relapse and overdose mortality, have evolved over time.
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