Demand for coronavirus tracking tool was ‘fortuitous timing’ for McMaster researchers
Last summer, McMaster University biochemistry and biomedical sciences researchers happened to be working on new technology to isolate respiratory viruses in patients.
Canada funds development of COVID-19 'lab-in-a-box'
Canadian researchers are developing a "lab-in-a-box" that could make it cheaper and faster to diagnose cases of the novel coronavirus, particularly in remote areas of the world.
For Infectious Disease Testing, Flexibility Is Key
As the role of clinical laboratories grows more prominent in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with infectious diseases, there is mounting pressure on both the labs and the diagnostic tests they select.
Antibody Test For COVID-19 Virus Would Help Solve Clinical Mysteries
As the coronavirus spreads more widely around the globe, scientists are starting to use a powerful new tool: a blood test that identifies people who have previously been exposed to the virus.

Please note: The virtual event that was scheduled for March 11th has been rescheduled for Wednesday March 18th, 2020 from 12pm-1pm (EST)
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Biomass Fuels Can Significantly Mitigate Global Warming
Biomass fuels derived from various grasses could significantly mitigate global warming by reducing carbon, according to a long-term field study by researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) and Michigan State University (MSU).
New Method Improves the Accuracy of Prostate Cancer Biopsies
Researchers have found that combining MRI-targeted biopsy and 12 core systematic biopsy for men with MRI-visible prostate lesions could help prevent misclassifications of prostate cancer.
Machine Learning System Catches Medication Errors
Support for artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in healthcare has been mixed among anatomic pathologists and clinical laboratory leaders. Nevertheless, there’s increasing evidence that diagnostic systems based on AI and ML can be as accurate or more accurate at detecting disease than systems without them.
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